Day 24: behind the black door~ feeling grey

Not sure if it is the lack of sleep caused by hubby’s new alarm clock, the boy’s new-found early wake-up time, or my daughters mopey-ness is rubbing off on me, or the fact that I just can’t seem to find the ‘right’ decorative pillow for my bed is causing me to feel down – whatever it is, is driving me bonkers. Grey, if you will. Not blue, because that is to clichéic, and the color grey is the cause of my new pillow obsession that is threatening my marriage, and challenging my decorating skills. Okay, not really, but Hubby really doesn’t understand my need for decorative pillows and the sheer happiness that they bring me (usually). Surely, he would have a much better reason to leave me then that. Ahem.

Recently, I moved the rug that used to be in my bedroom, to the entryway, which hubby agreed was a good move. However, it left a void in the bedroom. So, of course, I had to buy a new rug…a Target special, nonetheless. Here it is, in the space…


I love the lines, and the Moroccan print, which matches the mirrors I have hanging in the room

The new rug has created a need for new pillows to tie the look together. I realize my bedroom is on the verge of pattern overload, but if I have learned nothing from Candice Olson and HGTV, it is that mixing different textiles, patterns and prints, creates a luxurious feel. Who doesn’t want that?

However, I think the new pillow print, maybe a little too much…
too loud? Or maybe the cross in the center does them in. Either way, I am looking to all of you for advice.

Keep them?
Return them?
Rearrange them?

It is only fair to show you the whole space so you can get the overall look and feel I am going for


In a perfect world, I would love to tie in the coral color from the bench, and the grey color from the rug. So far, this has proven to be impossible.

I am sure there is one out there but it probably costs a pretty penny. Remember, I am not Oprah rich, so I refuse to spend more than $15 per pillow. It is the thrifter in me.


Magazine Mom


this post is part of 31 day series. To read more, and follow along, click here.

10 thoughts on “Day 24: behind the black door~ feeling grey

  1. My 2 cents…its not the new pillows (love), its the large solid blue ones. Maybe a faint pattern with a pop color (coral)? I think that would do it. Love the rug!

  2. In a pinch you could buy coral fabric dye or fabric paint to add just a touch, but you could also look at a coral throw at the end of your bed or even just a doodad on your end table. I’ve seen coral Coral…but your room is beautifully done!

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